Friday, 28 February 2014

Navision 2013 R2 Upload a Licence

Upload a Licence to Navision 

To upload a licence to NAV; it will be necessary to open the Development Environment as this action will not be possible within the Role Tailored view.

Upload the licence by selecting: Tools > Licence Information.

At this point you will be presented with a window displaying the current licence being used by Navision (in the case of new setups, this will be a Cronus licence). From this window please select Upload and select the necessary licence from your files.

NAV 2013 R2 Import Objects

Import New Objects

It is not possible to import objects to NAV 2013 R2 through the role tailored view, as such, it is necessary to open the Development version of R2 before uploading modifications to the system.

Open the development environment; click Tools > Object Designer. When open it will then be possible to import objects to R2.

Do this by selecting File > Import while the Object Designer is open. 

Selecting Import will enable the appropriate objects.fob file to be imported into Navision. The user will be prompted to either Merge or Replace All new objects. With very few exceptions Replace All should be the option chosen as it will overwrite previous versions of the object and avoid conflict between the new and previous code.

After selecting all Replace All and OK the objects will be imported to Navision.

Compile The Objects

After importing the objects.fob to Navision, in the Object Designer select the button All on the left-hand side of the window. Then highlight all of the objects and press F11 to compile all of the objects.

How to Create a User in NAV 2013 R2

Set Up User and User Rights

NAV allows companies to limit users to only view information that pertains directly to their job role. There are a variety of different permissions that a user may be granted dependent on the type of tasks that they will be carrying out on a day-to-day basis. Administrators can specify what authorised users are allowed to do within the database:

  • Read data
  • Insert data
  • Modify data
  • Delete data
  • Execute data
Procedure: Set Up a New User Card

When users log on to the database, they can perform tasks in accordance with the permissions that they have been allocated.

To set up a new user go to the Navigation Page > click Departments > Administration > IT Administration > General > Users.

Once you have reached this page (pictured above) select Users and the click on New, alternatively press Ctrl + N to create a New User.

Now you are in the User Card (below) select the ellipses (...) on the fast tab Windows Authentication, this will open the Select User or Group window. In this window type the domain of your user, in this case metaphorix, and the user name (taken from their windows login). 

The next step is to find the user by selecting Check Names > OK. This will auto-populate the User Card with necessary information to create a user. At this point it is possible to submit additional information to the user card such as a date on which the users permissions will expire and the user's password (assuming database logins are used rather than windows authentication).  

Complete the stage by entering the user's permission level in the bottom left-hand corner, in this case SUPER, and click OK.

The user "danielw" has now been added to Navision 2013 R2.

Depreciation Book Set up NAV 2009

Depreciation Books

The Fixed Assets must have a Depreciation Book, to record depreciations to the fixed assets.

The Depreciation Books must be set up on the Depreciation Book Card.

To open the Depreciation Book Card, in the Navigation Pane; click Departments > Administration > Application Setup >Financial Management > Fixed Assets > and then select Depreciation Books.

NAV 2009 allows for multiple depreciation books and to set up to additional books on the card.

After the depreciation book is set up, one of more depreciation books are attached to an asset, to define how depreciation will be handled for the assets.

General FastTab

The General FastTab contains the basic setup fields for the depreciation books:
  • Default Final Rounding Amount - makes sure that the fixed asset is fully depreciated over the depreciable lifetime.
  • Default Ending Book Value - prevents the asset from being fully depreciated.
  • Disposal Calculation Method - specifies Net or Gross as the method.
  • Sebstract Disc. In Purch. Inv. - displays the line and invoice discount that will post to the account contained in the Purch. FA Disc. Account field in the General Posting Setup window.
  • Allow Changes in Depr. - indicates that the depreciation fields in the FA Depreciation Books are changeable after you have posted entries.
  • Allow Depr. Below Zero - indicates that the system will continue calculating periodic depreciation when the Calculate Depreciation batch job continues, even is the book value of the fixed asset is zero or negative.
  • Allow Correction of Disposal - corrects fixed ledger entries of the type Disposal.
  • Allow Indexation - adjusts the asset values for general proce-level changes. Use this option to calculate the value of fixed assets at replacement costs. Do not finish indexation with FA ledger entries that are posted to the general ledger.
  • Use FA Ledger Check - requires a confirmation that :
    • Acquisition cost is the first cost books as a debit and that the disposal cost is the last cost books.
    • Depreciable basis has a debit balance, and that the book value is a debit.
    • Accumulated depreciation, salvage value, and accumulated sales price are all credit balance.
  • Use Rounding in Periodic Depr. - indicates that the system will round depreciations to while numbers.
  • Use Same FA and G/L Posting Dates - indicates that both dates must differ is these options are cleared. Enter both dates separately.
  • Allow more that 360 Depr. - gives the possibility for the fiscal year to consist of more than 360 depreciation days.
Integration FastTab

The Integration FastTab specifies entries to integrate with the general ledger. Enter only one depreciation book to the general ledger so that it does not post two times.

Select the field of the relevant posting type, or types, of FA transactions that must integrate with the general ledger.

If a company wants to use General Ledger Integration, use the FA G/L Journal to record the information. If a Company do not wan to use the General Ledger Integration, use the FA Journal.

Duplication FastTab

Use the Duplication FastTab to indicate duplicate entries in other depreciation books. This is useful when a company uses multiple depreciation books and, when setup, will create the same entries for all the books to reduce data entry time.

The Duplication FastTab contains the following fields: 
  • Part of Duplication List - indicates that the depreciation book will be a part of the duplication list.
  • Use FA Exch. Rate in Duplic - indicates whether to use echange rates when you duplicate entries from one journal to another.
  • Default Exchange Rate - specifies the default exchange rate.
Reporting FastTab

On the Reporting FastTab an additional foreign currency rate can be allowed for the posted transactions.

NOTE: You do not have to type an additional reporting currency of select these options if you are not already using an additional reporting currency in the general ledger that has a fixed exchange rate, such as EUR.

All entries from the FA module calculate in the correct additional currency in the associated general ledger entries. You only need this additional reporting currency if the additional currency is variable (with a changing exchange rate).

If it is variable, there is a risk that the FA book values will never balance if the additional currency was adjusted. This is the reason to fix the exchange rate of the additional variable currency in the FA module for each fixed asset.

FA Posting Type Setup

Use the FA Posting Type to define how NAV 2009 manages posting types as Write-Down and Appreciation, and then posts to fixed assets.

To open the FA Posting Type Setup page in the Depreciation Book Card > Related Information > point to Depr. Book > FA Posting Type Setup.

NAV 2009 contains a default setup. It is not possible to add or delete lines in this page. However, the existing lines can be changed.

FA Journal Setup

The FA Journal Setup page specifies the defaults setup of templates and batches that NAV uses to duplicate lines from one journal to another, when the Calculate Depreciation of Index Fixed Assets batch jobs create journal lines, or when acquisition costs duplicate in the Insurance Journal.

To open the FA Journal Setup page in the Depreciation Book Card: Click Related Information > point to Depr. Book  and then select FA Journal Setup.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Fixed Assets Setup NAV 2009


Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Fixed Assets Provides a fully integrated Fixed Asset management functionality. This functionality helps a company to keep track of all information relevant to Fixed Assets, such as maintenance costs and schedules, acquisition costs, and related insurance information.

Fixed Assets has unlimited depreciation books, in addition, all of the ordinary depreciation methods are available, including the ability to create custom depreciation methods.


Before processing with Fixed Assets, in NAV 2009, the following areas must be set up:

  • Fixed Assets Card
  • Fixed Assets Posting group
  • Depreciations Books
  • Depreciation Tables
  • Fixed Assets Journals
Other features are possible in Fixed Assets:
  • Main Assets with Asset Components
  • Recording opening transactions
  • Duplicate entries to the Depreciations Books
  • Copying for fixed assets and Fixed Assets ledger entries
Fixed Assets Setup

Use the Fixed Assets Setup page to specify the default settings for the Fixed Assets. To access the Fixed Assets Setup page, from the Navigation Pane click Administration > Application Setup > Financial Management > Fixed Assets > FA Setup.

This Window contains two FastTabs :- General and Numbering

General FastTab

This tab contains the basic setup fields for Fixed Assets.

The Default Depr. Book field contains the default depreciation book. Notice that having a default does not prevent the existence of multiple depreciation books.

If the asset is split into main assets and components, you can keep track of the components by posting directly to a main asset. Select the Allow Posting to Main Assets option to post to a main asset.

If the configuration includes insurance facilities, enter a code in the Insurance Depr. Book field to enable the posting of insurance coverage ledger entries. This code is the Default Depreciation Book. The Default Depreciation Book must be set up before the Insurance Depreciation Book. The code in this field is also used when a fixed asset is sold and the values from insurance policies changes.

If the Automatic Insurance Posting field is selected, the program allows for the acquisition costs posted to fixed assets to automatically post to the insurance coverage ledger.

Number FastTab

The Numbering FastTab has two fields:
  • Fixed Assets Nos.
  • Insurance Nos.
Both fields are used to assign a number series for the fixed assets and the insurance policies that cover them.

Fixed Assets Posting Groups

Fixed Assets Posting Groups must be set up to relate transactions to the fixed assets. This positing groups is set up in the FA Posting group page.

To open the FA Posting Groups page, in the Navigation Pane: click Departments > Administration > Application Setup > Financial Management > Posting Groups, and then select FA Posting Groups.

FA Posting Groups

Enter a code for each group of assets and specify the following G/L accounts for different types of expenses and costs:
  • Acquisition costs
  • Accumulated depreciation amounts
  • Acquisition costs on disposal
  • Accumulated depreciation on disposal
  • Gains on disposal Losses on disposal
  • Maintenance expenses
  • Depreciation expenses

The Allocation option shows an overview of the allocated percentage on the different types of expenses and costs with an asset.

To set up allocation keys, select Related Information, point to Posting Gr., click Allocations, and select the type of expense to allocate to.

Select an allocation type to open the FA Allocations page.

Use the FA Allocations page to specify the account number and general ledger to post to, and allocate the percentage for that particular asset.

To use Global Dimensions, select Related Information, point to Line and then select Dimensions. Set up the Dimension Code in the fields in the lines.

NOTE: When you use the allocation of posting types in posting groups, the program produces one G/L ledger entry for each allocation and for each asset. This depends on how many assets you have linked to it.

All types of asset transactions are listed with the total allocation percentage amount.   

To view the detailed allocations for each transaction type, click each type to view it's capability in the FA Allocations page.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Close Income Statement Batch Job NAV 2009

The purpose of the closing entry is to bring the temporary journal account balances to zero for the next accounting period, which aids in keeping accounts reconciled.

To conduct a Close Income Statement Batch Job in NAV 2009 and will need to go through the following steps.

Firstly, access the Close Income Statement Batch Job on the Navigation Pane by clicking Departments button, click Financial Management, click Periodic Activities, click Fiscal Year, and then select Close Income Statement.

The following fields appear on the batch job:
  • Fiscal Year Ending Date - automatically populated with the last date in the latest closed fiscal year. This date is used to determine the Posting Date for the journal.
Note: The format used by NAV while populating this field is Cmm/dd/yy where C represents Closing. It is not necessary to enter a date in this format as it will occur automatically. 
  • Gen. Journal Template - identifies the name of the general journal template that the entries are added in.
  • Gen. Journal Batch - identifies the name of the general journal batch that the entries will be added in.
  • Document No. - automatically populated with the next available number from the number series for the selected Gen. Journal Batch. 
  • Retained Earnings Ace. - identifies the account that the retained earnings entries are added in.
  • Posting Description - specifies the text to the accompany the entries. The default text is Close Income Statement.
  • Close by - determines how many entries are created by the batch job. The options are:
-Business Unit Code: If this field is selected, and the company is a consolidated company, separate entries are created for each business unit.

-Dimensions: For any dimensions selected, one entry is posted for each dimension value combination used in a G/L account.
- Inventory Period Close - Indicates that the inventory period(s) with ending dates equal to, or greater than, the last date of the accounting period is closed.

Year End Closing Process NAV 2009

The Year End Closing Function is a simple and essential financial process however, as this only occurs once a year, there can often be confusion as to exactly how this process goes.

Before beginning your Year End it is important to note that:

  • The Closed and Date Locked fields for all periods in that fiscal year are selected and they cannot be cleared.
  • The Date Locked field for the first period of the next fiscal year is selected and it cannot be cleared.
  • The period lengths for the closed periods cannot be changed.
Further to the above, in the rare circumstance that you are closing a non-standard fiscal year:
  • Tick the box labelled New fiscal Year
  • Tick the box pertaining to the last period to be included in the year to be closed.
Close the Fiscal Year Step-By-Step

1. On the Navigation pane, click Departments button, click Financial Management, click Periodic Activities, click Fiscal Year, and then select Accounting Periods.

2. Click Close Year. A message appears about the year to be closed. This year is suggested based on the earliest open year, and the corresponding check marks in the New Fiscal Year field.

3. Click Yes to close the year.

Following the year end closure it might be necessary to continue posting into the previous year. When you post in a closed year, entries should be marked as prior-year entries.

When Subsequent entries are posted to a closed fiscal year:

1. Run the Close Income Statement batch job to transfer the balances to the retained earnings (equity) account.

2. Post the transferred entries.

N.B. To prevent users from posting entries in a specific period; set a date range in the Allow Posting From and Allow Posting To fields in the General Ledger Setup window.